Monday, 10 March 2014

A Simple Guide to Understanding Entity Search

Posted by Unknown On 3/10/2014
Over the years, Google has tweaked their search engine algorithm to serve up better search results. After all, it wasn’t that long ago when early SEO practitioners stuffed their content with keywords in the hopes of boosting their ranking. Recent updates, however, have ensured that quality content takes precedence over keywords. That is, websites and pages that provide useful information are now prioritized over those with spammy content.

Now, Google is once again shaking up the search engine landscape with what they call “entity search.” This development aims to index the World Wide Web so that when users type in one keyword, the results displayed also show information related to it.

For example, if a user keys in “Leonardo da Vinci,” Google will not only show information about the painter, but also other relevant pages such as Da Vinci’s contemporaries, famous Renaissance paintings, and the history of the Renaissance. They do this by analyzing what users searched for in the past, and linking the results together to form a web of related information. In other words, Google looks at more than just keywords, but at all possible meanings attached to that keyword so the results displayed are as accurate and useful as possible.


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